Touchstone Energy is a national network of electric cooperatives across 46 states that provides resources and leverages partnerships to help member cooperatives and their employees better engage and serve their members. By working together, Touchstone Energy cooperatives stand as a source of power and information to their 30 million member-owners every day.
Touchstone Energy Cooperatives do business as not-for-profit cooperatives, following the 7 Cooperative Principles. The Touchstone brand represents a nationwide alliance made of more than 700 local, consumer-owned electric cooperatives. Touchstone Energy co-ops collectively deliver power and energy solutions to more than 30 million members every day. Electric cooperatives distribute power for 75 percent of the U.S. land mass over 2.4 million miles of power lines. Electric cooperatives were established to provide electricity to rural America, and now make up the largest electric utility network in the nation. Touchstone Energy is the national brand identity for that network.
By providing the resources of the largest national network to local electric co-ops, Touchstone Energy Cooperatives utilizes the cooperative difference to supply reliable, low-cost power to electric co-op member-owners across the country. Touchstone Energy Cooperatives are dedicated to service according to the four core values. Doing so provides consistently high standards of service excellence to its members. These are standards that you can count on every day.