The Prairie Energy board of directors is chosen through elections each year at the annual meeting. Each of the seven directors is elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected. Majority vote at the annual meeting decides who is elected. Terms are staggered; three directors are elected one year, two directors the next year and two the third year. There are currently no term limits.
Before each annual meeting, a member nominating committee is appointed. The committee consists of two members from each district where a vacancy on the board of directors is to be filled. This committee meets and prepares a list of nominees before the annual meeting. Any member interested on serving on the board of directors must contact a nominating committee member, and be approved to be on the ballot. Nominations may also be made by petition.
The following is a list of requirements and qualifications:
Directors must receive electric service from Prairie Energy Cooperative and be in good standing. They pay the same rates for electric service and follow the same policies as all other members. They are not eligible to serve on the board if they have any conflicting business interest.
Directors cannot be an employee nor the spouse of an employee of the Cooperative, nor a direct relative of an employee of the Cooperative related by blood, adoption or marriage.
Cannot be a former employee nor the spouse of a former employee of the Cooperative, unless employment with the Cooperative was at least five (5) years previous to the date of the forthcoming election.
Your board of directors meets regularly on the last Tuesday of each month at the headquarters in Clarion. Directors must attend all regular monthly board meetings, and are allowed to miss only three meetings per calendar year.
Directors must attend all special board meetings, committee meetings as well as the annual meeting. Directors should also attempt to attend one National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) meeting or director conference every year.
Other meetings directors attend include one and two-day educational seminars. Directors are encouraged to complete their NRECA Credentialed Cooperative Director’s Certificate (CCD) during their first three-year term..
Directors receive a $300 per diem. They receive the IRS mileage allowance for attendance of Cooperative meetings and expenses when traveling on Cooperative business.
Directors spend 23 – 35 days each year representing Prairie Energy Cooperative.
A director is expected to read and be familiar with information and financial reports from the Cooperative, or other state and national associations.
A director should work in harmony with the whole board. A director must also have the self-confidence and communication skills to express their opinion or disagreement with other directors.
Directors are encouraged to join NRECA’s political action committee, Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE).
This board establishes the basic business policies, the same as the board of directors of any other corporation. The board employs a President/CEO, who is responsible for all the operational details.
Additional details are provided in Prairie Energy Cooperative’s bylaws.
Your appointed Board of Directors for 2022-2023
Marion Denger

District 5
Member of the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives
NRECA Board of Directors, Iowa
Dows, Iowa
Annette Julson

Donald Christopherson
Allyn Waddingham

Ted Hall
Corn Belt Power Cooperative Representative
Ryan Eekhoff

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Scott Hasty